Sunday, 13 February 2011

life world

Much reading and thinking since my last post, primarily about these dark spaces between, where thought, image and experience meet, briefly, before we force ourselves awake.

Sometimes however, the need to make overides the quest to learn and this image above is what happens.
After creating it, intuitively, I completely forgot what it was that inspired me to puncture, rip, tear, paint and stitch some handmade paper. So, reflection on action didn't work this time.
Later though, I did see the connection between the text and the work; Husserl felt that as technology hurls us headlong into the seductive future, we tend to miss those very dimensions of experience so essential for our continuing existence.

This work is about 18 ins long, stands non too steadily on my table yet speaks to me more forcefully than any words. Maybe I just need to read more?