Saturday, 10 August 2013

time passing

I haven't felt like writing in the blog; too much internalising going on I expect, but I have been busy in the studio. Teaching fills head space so working when energy allows and ideas flow, seems to work best for me.

These two were done in March, when I sensed that I wanted to use a familiar image to visualise my thinking on the research. The doll's head has significance for me in that it embodies a great deal of how I see my life evolving. 

More work followed shortly afterwards, again, using the doll's head. What I find interesting about working this way; intuitively, is the element of surprise I feel when standing back and just looking at what emerges.

More work followed, again, emergent identities stare back at me from the page. In June I created this collage, it developed from this image but maybe this works best as it's clear-cut, at least for me. Using the doll's body was important, without the head to distract me.

In July, life took on another sense of direction, one where deeply held convictions surfaced in the work I created, none of it comfortable. I decided to actually make some heads, have them standing in a group, inter-connecting, like voices.

 And finally to now, with this work, in paper and old lace, maybe still in the making, I'm not sure yet.

I don't know where this is going, but the 'head' is now an entity in its own right, outwith my direction. This is new for me, not just working figuratively but watching from outside myself, of myself.